Digital marketing with mobile apps and web design

"Our team specializes in developing effective content strategies for forward-thinking companies. With a proven track record, we excel in improving search engine rankings."

Social Media Marketing

We cultivate relationships based on transparency, persistence, mutual trust, and integrity with our employees, customers, and other business partners.


Our team of specialists consistently delivers exceptional results by merging creative ideas with extensive experience. By engaging your clients through social media, we can help you build a sustainable, meaningful relationship.

SEO, SEM, social media marketing, email marketing, and digital marketing are among the areas we specialize in. We also offer mobile-responsive website design, PHP development, WordPress, and .NET-based corporate websites.


Years in Marketing


Analytic Reports


Email Campaigns


SEO Campaigns


Team Members


First Positions
Sutha Murughan Director
Founder and President
Development manager
Samarendra SEO-ans-SMM-specialist
SEO Strategist
Copy Writer
Kamala Human-Resource
SEO Manager
Sudhakar Marketing-Specilist
Marketing Specialist
Madhavdas Development-Manager
SEO ans SMM specialist
Aarati Web-Designer
Web Developer

69 Clients Served

15 Events Organized

23 Public Speeches

+500 Coffee Cups

O U R    V I S I O N

Internet marketing agency with the highest reputation. Our goal is to change the way businesses communicate, listen, and share online.

Our Clients Are Our Passion

The results of our digital marketing work speak for themselves. Every client, no matter how large or small, receives an outstanding service tailored to their specific needs.


Our digital marketing agency experienced some remarkable events.


September, 2017

Founded by web enthusiast Sutha Murugan in Chennai, India. The company was originally called Dreamztec, but was later renamed Fredrikedge.

May, 2019

We developed our first mobile app with the help of our mobile developer Mr. Sudhan!

October, 2021

Several top companies in Chennai, Tamilnadu, India use our Search Engine Optimization services.


February, 2023

In Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, we provide social media optimization services to some of the top companies.

September, 2023

In terms of search engine optimization, our company ranked number one in Chennai.